Trouble with Internet Explorer

Some people have told me that my blog produces error messages in Internet Explorer and sometimes they can not even access the site. This is probably related to one of the plugins I use since the error appears directly after the first few sidebar widgets are rendered. I am currently trying to find out what causes the problem and I would appreciate any help in that endeavour. If you have had the same problem with a WordPress blog before, please let me know.

In the meantime, if you use IE, why not check out one of those other browsers like Firefox, Opera, Safari or Chrome? They are all free, more secure and faster than Internet Explorer and they are much more standard compliant. I currently use Google’s Chrome browser.

No IE!

Update: It seems only the outdated versions of Internet Explorer is affected, Internet Explorer 7 works fine.


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Questing GM

This has also happened to me when I visit Greywulf's Lair. I'll admit that I haven't been visiting your blog lately until I finally thought that enough was enough and got myself FireFox.

<abbr><abbr>Questing GMs last blog post..Paizo Stays on Path, No to 4E</abbr></abbr>

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I applaud that decision!

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Where it's my choice, I use Firefox. But at the office I'm not in control of the software installed on my computer and IE is the rule. From there, I'm generally unable to read your blog.

<abbr><abbr>Davids last blog post..GM’s Day</abbr></abbr>

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    It's strange that so many companies don't install Firefox as their standard browser. IE has a lot of vulnerabilities and since it's so closely linked to the OS this can literally lead to disaster. The university I work for installs Firefox on every machine and recommends it's use in favor of IE.