Issue with IE resolved

For quite some time people reported that my site crashes the Internet Explorer. At first I thought it was a problem related to the outdated IE6 but even people with brand-new installations of IE7 on Vista were affected. So I decided to look into the problem again and with the help of Graham Poole I identified the culprit: it was the Lightbox Plus plugin. I deactivated it and now everything seems to work fine again.


comments user

Yes, it's working now. I'm able to read your blog from my office, where I have no choice in the browser.

<abbr><abbr>Davids last blog post..Why Fiddly?</abbr></abbr>

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Mad Brew

Looking good from here (w/ IE7). I knew it wasn't the Flash Tag Cloud!

<abbr><abbr>Mad Brews last blog post..Map Tutorial from the Cartographers’ Guild</abbr></abbr>

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Vulcan Stev

Made it. Now I can browse your stuff. 😎

<abbr><abbr>Vulcan Stevs last blog post..Vulcan Stev Family Movie Review: X-Files Fight the Future</abbr></abbr>

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Questing GM

It works for my IE now but I think I'm sticking to my Firefox. Now, someone has to tell Greywulf the same thing.

<abbr><abbr>Questing GMs last blog post..Word of Wizards – Excerpts: Feats</abbr></abbr>