Happy birthday, Stargazer’s World!

One year ago, I wrote my first article “Beyond Azeroth” and if you told me back then that my blog would have hundreds of pageviews every day and over 140 subscribers, I would have thought you must be delirious. My RPG blog is much more successful than I ever imagined. But this wasn’t possible without the help of my fellow RPG Bloggers from the RPG Bloggers Network and my readers! Thanks, my friends!
Most of my other blog projects died after a while because I couldn’t overcome writer’s block or I felt nobody was interested in the stuff I was writing anyway. But not so with this blog. Being part of the RPG Bloggers Network helped me not only to get some pretty good traffic early on, but also helped me improve my blogging and find new friends.
I really hope the coming year will be as successful as the last one, and again, I wish to thank my readers and my fellow RPG bloggers for all your support during the last 356 days! Thanks a lot, guys!
Now, in tradition of my other anniversary posts I want to share some statistics with you:
- Total number of posts: 320 (including this one, please note I removed a couple of guest posts)
- Total number of approved comments: 1149
- Number of (unique) visits: 56.879
- Active WordPress plugins: 27
- Technorati authority: 29 (*sigh* it was still 30 a few days ago)
- Google Page Rank: 3
- Cups of coffee consumed by me during the writing of that post: 0 (hmm, I need more coffee!)
- Word count of this post: 326
Wow! The first year is the hardest for a blog, they say, so let’s hope it gets easier down the road. 😉
By the way, I didn’t get that cool dragon cake as present, I just found it at the “Pen & Paper Portal“. So, gentle readers, what are your thoughts on the first birthday of “Stargazer’s Blog”? Please post your comments in the comment section below.