Open Game Table Vol. 2: Nominations!

OGT logo On Saturday Jonathan Jacobs posted the list of nominations for Open Game Table Vol. 2 on his blog “The Core Mechanic” and it seems a few of my posts made the list, too. Yay me!
There were 135 nominations for Volume 1 but this time, 375 blog posts have been nominated. I fear the reviewers will have a lot to do this year.

And I agree with Jonathan when he considers this a massive success. The high number of nominations shows that the interest in a RPG blog anthology is even higher than last year. Perhaps we can even start dreaming about a Volume 3. 😉
In my humble opinion, there are quite a few talented people out there in the RPG blogosphere and I am pretty sure Volume 2 of the OGT will be as good as Volume 1 if not better. Although I try to follow a lot of RPG blogs I always seem to miss a few of the true gems out there. But I am confident, that I’ll find a few of those great articles in the upcoming OGT. And while we are waiting for the reviewers to do their job, why not read a few of the articles that made it last year? If you haven’t done so already, you should really buy a copy of OGT Vol. 1 at Lulu. And if you already own a copy, why not give a copy away as a gift?

I am very happy that Jonathan decided to go ahead and create OGT Vol.2. By the way, if you have never heard of the Open Game Table before, check out this post to read about how it all started. And while you are at it, check out my favorite article from Volume 1: Berin Kinsman’s “Get Your Dice Off My Lawn!


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Thanks for the shout out! And… either today or tomorrow – the PDF of OGT will be available for free as part of DriveThruRPG's "Gamers Helping Haiti" promotion!
.-= jonathan´s last blog ..375 Blog Post Nominations to Open Game Table! =-.

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Ken St. Andre

Stargazer, your link to “The Core Mechanic” up above goes to some commerical business page for a plumber or handyman., Not what I wanted. 🙂

Haven’t seen the book. Wondering if T & T got any mention at all in the first one, or the nominations for the second one?

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    Oh, sorry. The post is already over 2 years old and the old Core Mechanic blog obviously doesn’t exist anymore.

    Check out this page for more info on both OGT volumes:

    And sorry, I don’t remember if any T&T posts were included (OGT Vol. 1 had a lot of D&D 4E posts), but both contain a lot of system-agnostic stuff as well.