Good news for all Iron Kingdom fans!

Full Metal Fantasy! I almost overlooked yesterday’s post at Purple Pawn. But then I scrolled back and read the headline again: “It’s Alive: The Iron Kingdoms RPG Lives!"

I have to admit I had to rub my eyes and reread everything, because I thought I was dreaming. But as is turns out, Privateer Press will be releasing a new Iron Kingdoms RPG. While we shouldn’t expect it before 2011, it could pretty much be what a lot of gamers have been waiting for. And luckily the decided to drop the d20 System and use a proprietary system, probably one based on the Warmachine Mk2 miniature game. Matt Wilson revealed Privateer Press’ plans during yesterday’s interview which can be read over at Obsidian Portal. Part two of the interview should be out later today.

That’s great news. I love the Iron Kingdoms setting but I never felt that d20 was a good match for the setting. I had some ideas for converting the Iron Kingdoms campaign to Savage Worlds, but a proprietary game based on the Warmachine battle system, will save me a lot of work. And I can finally put my Warmachine miniatures to good use that way. 🙂


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This is great news! I missed out on the first Iron Kingdoms RPG before, but it's a good opportunity for me to check it out.

I've always considered getting into the miniatures game, but I'm not sure I can afford it.
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Iron Kingdoms, now that’s good news! I think it’s a very imaginative setting, and while I’m not a miniature games player (despite all the ones I own) this is a very imaginative setting and think it deserves to continue as an RPG. A Savage Worlds version of the game would be incredible!

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Mad Brew

Yeah, I've been keeping tabs in the PP forums and heard a while back they are developing an original system for the relaunch. Can't wait.
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