Caladon Falls Fundraiser

My fellow RPG Blogger Tommy Brownell just let me know about the Caladon Falls fundraiser at IndieGoGo. Caladon Falls is a Savage Suzerain sourcebook by Savage Mojo that has been available as PDF for a while now. From what I’ve seen so far, the background looks quite interesting and the production values are exceptionally high. Here’s the blurb from the DriveThruRPG product page:


Caladon Falls Trailer

They came out of nowhere and started ripping the world apart, one city at a time. Using power on a scale never before seen, Warlocks, godlike leaders of the Wild army, are rampaging on Austeria with one goal: raise armies and annihilate the entire continent. Set in the fantasy realm of Relic, this book looks at warfare through the eyes of everyday people turned soldiers – soldiers whose side is losing the war.

Take the challenge. Roleplay in a fantasy world where hairless dwarves walk through stone, magic is commonplace, and the spirit world doesn’t always stay in check. Focus on a daily life and death struggle where the enemy is cruel, powerful, and around every corner. Take the challenge, and let your adventurers become…

…mankind’s only hope.

The funds raised go toward the production cost of a 750 book print-run for Caladon Falls in its full glory. The book will be hardcover with full-color interiors on high-quality paper. If you are a fan of Savage Mojo’s products, you definitely should consider contributing to this project.

If you want to learn more about Caladon Falls and Savage Suzerain check out Tommy’s excellent reviews:

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Savage Mojo

Thanks for posting this! We invite comments and questions.