Dungeoncraft: The Future of Asecia

In the last few weeks I wrote about my campaign world Asecia, its people, nations, history, magic, religion, secrets and even provided you with a short story to set the mood. Currently everything is at a turning point, as I am still unsure to where I want to go from now. There’s still the open question of which roleplaying rules I should use for example. D&D 4th Edition could worth a try but I am not sure if I can bring the fluff I’ve already written together with D&D’s crunch. Savage Worlds is another possibility, so is Mutants & Mastermind which never ceases to amaze me. I also thought about using the d20 SRD as a basis for my own OGL rules for Asecia.

The main problem is that I currently don’t have the time to make the necessary next steps. So I am thinking about putting all my work into a neat box and wait until I have enough time to finish the work. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have another look at the “World of Asecia” in a few weeks and make some adjustments. While I was writing one article after the other I noticed that my image of the campaign world shifted a bit with each post written. And some ideas that I were very excited about when I first wrote them down now look bland and uninteresting to me. They probably just don’t fit my current idea of “Asecia”.

One plan I currently have is to focus on a smaller area of Asecia and set my campaign there. A perfect place would be Cerynia. It’s a big city with several districts, industry, a magic university and a long history. And urban campaigns are pefectly suited for the genre. I also think about scrapping the avatar idea and changing some of the religions. And then I will have to convince my gaming group that they ever wanted to participate in an urban steamfantasy adventure in a place called Cerynia. And that’s probably the toughest nut to crack…


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Mad Brew

I am going the route of using my own d20 rules for my own setting. But beware travelling down that path, cause you might get burnt out and tired of both the setting and the rules.

I envision my setting as being written and described as system independent but with a few appendices of system specific material.

Mad Brews last blog post..Your opinion matters!

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When I made my setting, I basically made it with D&D in mind from the start. After 3.5 proved too difficult to work with, I shifted all design intentions to entwine with D&D 4e. Though I’m sure the setting could work decently enough with generic rules sets too. However, I think the choice of system and whether or not it works is something for the individual. I don’t really get it much.

For example, I am a big fan of abstract rules – my favorite RPGs are D&D 4e, Maid: RPG and Lesbo Jet Fighters, all of which are pretty loose. I suppose some people are more picky about how their rules carry across every aspect of their setting. For them, the choice of system would indeed be difficult. For me, I can see a lot of different mechanics and systems still able to carry across my vision for my setting.

Wyatts last blog post..I Belieeeeeve I Can Fly… (Lesbo Jet Fighters Review)