Dungeoncraft: The Future of Asecia
In the last few weeks I wrote about my campaign world Asecia, its people, nations, history, magic, religion, secrets and even provided you with a short story to set the mood. Currently everything is at a turning point, as I am still unsure to where I want to go from now. There’s still the open question of which roleplaying rules I should use for example. D&D 4th Edition could worth a try but I am not sure if I can bring the fluff I’ve already written together with D&D’s crunch. Savage Worlds is another possibility, so is Mutants & Mastermind which never ceases to amaze me. I also thought about using the d20 SRD as a basis for my own OGL rules for Asecia.
The main problem is that I currently don’t have the time to make the necessary next steps. So I am thinking about putting all my work into a neat box and wait until I have enough time to finish the work. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have another look at the “World of Asecia” in a few weeks and make some adjustments. While I was writing one article after the other I noticed that my image of the campaign world shifted a bit with each post written. And some ideas that I were very excited about when I first wrote them down now look bland and uninteresting to me. They probably just don’t fit my current idea of “Asecia”.
One plan I currently have is to focus on a smaller area of Asecia and set my campaign there. A perfect place would be Cerynia. It’s a big city with several districts, industry, a magic university and a long history. And urban campaigns are pefectly suited for the genre. I also think about scrapping the avatar idea and changing some of the religions. And then I will have to convince my gaming group that they ever wanted to participate in an urban steamfantasy adventure in a place called Cerynia. And that’s probably the toughest nut to crack…