Freebie: Free FATE

Today I stumbled upon a rather interesting document: Free FATE.
Free FATE is a cut down and condensed version of the FATE system by Evil Hat Productions. From what I’ve seen so far, the author of Free FATE, R Grant Erswell managed to boil down the rather lengthy FATE rules to just 46 pages and changed the dice roll mechanics so that players and GMs may use two six-sided dice instead of four Fudge dice. This is definitely worth a look and might be a good introduction to the FATE rules for people new to the system.
You can download FATE from the FATE Yahoo Group (registration required) or from this mirror.


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Grant Erswell

Just so you know, a v0.3 of Free FATE is now available (now at 48 pages). It has been updated based on feedback on v0.2 and contains more advice on what makes a good Aspect as well as clarifications on a number of issues (plus it includes some sample NPCs).

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    Thanks for letting me know. By the way, do you know if there's an even shorter version of FATE? Like some microlite FATE? Or do you think Free FATE could be compressed to just a couple of pages?