Please help us playtest NOIR!

NOIRToday Michael Garcia from Quick & Dirty Games and I released a playtest version of our roleplaying game NOIR.

NOIR is a rules-light pulp RPG inspired by the 1940s detective stories using percentile dice for task resolutions. The game has been designed in a true quick & dirty fashion and still lacks a lot of polish and playtesting. So please download the 8-page PDF booklet and test away.

If you notice any errors, have questions regarding the rules or think someone is missing, please let us know in the QnD Games forum.


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Word! I printed out a copy of the PDF and will read over it and try it out ASAP! Thanks for the opportunity!
.-= wrathofzombie´s last blog ..To Otakon I go! =-.

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If you have any ideas on how we can improve the game, please let us know in the QnD forums.