Free Stuff Friday: Tolkien Fonts

It’s Friday and it’s time to give you some more free stuff!

This week’s Free Stuff is: Tolkien Fonts
Fonts? What the heck would I need fonts for? Well let me tell you buddy. Sometimes when I play an RPG I like to have notes or cryptic messages for my players to fine or decipher. They love doing stuff like that and just eat it up! This is one site I have used in the past to find a font I could use in my game. So Go check it out and down load some FONTS!

On the Tolkien Fonts website they wrote this stuff up: “Here you can find various Lord of the Rings fonts, especially the Ringbearer Font and Aniron Font

So please check out the site and start downloading some free fonts.

29-year-old working as a facility manager and living on the final frontier in Juneau, Alaska. Writing, reading, computers, drumming and playing some Dungeon & Dragons top my interest.


comments user

Youseph, I love those… I’m a big fort guy. I actually have selected fonts to represent the different scripts in my campaign and have handed out print outs with the alphabets used to my players. A little compulsive with details, I know.

Again thanks!

comments user

@Sunglar, Glad you found it useful. I think it's great that you put that much detail into your games. Keep it up I say!