
Technoir is an upcoming cyberpunk roleplaying game designed by Jeremy Keller, author of the ENnie Award-winning Chronica Feudalis. What sets Technoir apart from most other cyberpunk games out there, is the fact that it uses a pretty elegant rules-light system.

Jeremy has started a Kickstarter project today and tries to raise $2500 in order to being able to publish Technoir as a full-color softcover book. The beta version of the rules is available for free at the official Technoir site, and after leafing through the beta PDF I decided to back this project. I really would like to see this fine game in print someday.

By the way, at this moment $845 have been pledged by 24 backers already. Perhaps with your help, we can get the Technoir project funded in just mere days!


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Oh, this fits nicely right now. Your tweet about the 2030 Review made me long for a new Cyberpunkish RPG. This looks really intriguing! Thanks for sharing.

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Looks interesting, I like the Transmissions idea, haven’t had a chance to figure it out yet but it looks promising.

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Looks very cool, thanks for the heads up.

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And it's already funded. Bravo!