#RPGaDay2024 Day 2 – Forest

For day 2 of #RPGaDay2024, I’ll continue with Skala Wyzwania’s alternative prompt challenge list. For more information, see David Chapman’s Autocratik blog post for RPG a Day 2024.

The RPG challenge theme for today is Forest. Rolling a 1d10 for the quest. The result is 3, Write a Bulletin Board Quest.

Near the town square, in the podium where the lord’s crier read off official proclamations and announcements by decree, the mayor has set three wooden poles, one painted green for the lord and his offices, one white for the priests and scholars, and one unpainted for the guilds and commonfolk. Upon the middle white post is nailed a notice in fine parchment, written in fine penmanship and beautifully adorned with a stylized image of a young woman in long vestments and with red hands. It reads:

Wanted! Brave souls to rescue a woman most pious.

Renilda of the Sisters of the Crimson Hands, the most blessed of Vaicera, is lost in the Twisted Forest. The High Speaker offers one hundred golden suns to whoever can bring the lost Sister to the House of the Lower Gods unharmed. Twenty-five silver moons for news of the whereabouts of her remains.

Renilda’s fey guide was found dead in the path of the Cackling Brook, the lamp broken, and the remains in the water. The lord’s dogs followed a scent as far as the Thunderstruck Oak but refused to enter the Foggy Glens beyond. The Armorers and Weaponsmith Guilds have offered to arm those valiant enough to find Renilda.

Time is of the essence; the constellations will soon align into the storms of Low Spring. Who will save the Sister of the Crimson Hand?

Thanks for reading, dear reader. If anything, I hope this inspires you to participate in #RPGaDay2024. Don’t forget to tag your contribution with the hashtag and share it with us here, on your socials, and in the #RPGaDay 2024 Facebook Group.

See you tomorrow.