I Voted!

Please don’t forget to cast your vote for the 2010 ENnie Awards! I just submitted my vote. The voting polls are still open till midnight, July 25th (no idea, which timezone we’re talking about here), but voting a few days earlier than that is probably a good idea.

Especially because this year the nominations have been kinda weird. Some products who IMHO should have been nominated were ignored by the judges (like the excellent RPG Circus podcast) and I think a few nominees were put into the wrong categories. Fantasy Craft for example would have been among my picks for Best Rules, alas it hasn’t even been nominated in that category.  I am also not sure why some products are obviously good enough to be nominated for Product of the Year, but not good enough to be listed in any other category. But perhaps I don’t understand the inner working of this award.

Nevertheless, I believe it’s important that people vote for their favorite products, podcasts, websites and blogs. Especially if you want to give some of the underdogs a chance, go to the ENnies site and vote. Here are a few of my picks if you are still undecided:

Now, what are you waiting for? Go to the ENnies site and cast your vote!


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Dave T. Game

Thanks for the support! Armitage Files and Shambles both got my top picks in those categories too.

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Ed Healy

Wow! Thanks for the vote. We’ll be releasing a special ENnies episode in a couple minutes (literally) with some blurbs from the games and companies on the nominee list. Hope you like it.