Another news scare-story about D&D from the 80s

On BoingBoing I discovered this mid-80s video about D&D driving kids to suicide. As special treat it features young Cory Doctorow (Canadian blogger and SF author) and his classmates. If you have trouble spotting him, he’s the “kid with the huge cheeks, standing up in the left side of the frame at 3:05 and onward.”

You can find part #1 of the documentation here. Enjoy!


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Did you catch the final comment from the DM? "The rotted wood gives way, you fall 1500feet, you are dead"? Bad DM, BAD! No cookie!
.-= Canageek´s last blog ..Protected: A Compromise =-.

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    Hey, that's old-school D&D. It's not for the faint of heart.