Youseph Tanha

Youseph TanhaWell my name is Youseph Tanha. I am a 29-year-old working as a facility manager in Juneau, Alaska. In the past I have worked in the tech industry for web hosting and Internet providers, as well as in computer graphics. I also consider myself a very musical person. I play the drums and have been involved off and on throughout the years with several bands.

I have written on my personal website for several years now. Writing is something I have always enjoyed doing. Sharing my thoughts and ideas with others has always appealed to me. Writing has also been a struggle as I am Dyslexic. I have had to teach myself to just slow down and check everything twice when it comes to writing. I think that method has made me a better writer as a result.

My first experience with a roll playing game was Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 when I was 25 living in Oak Harbor, Washington. Everyone in our group of 5 had played D&D before except for myself. Our Dungeon master could not have been any nicer as he helped me create my first character and explained the rules as we went.

Having never played anything like D&D before, I was always asking if my character could do some crazy off the wall thing in trying to take out bad guys. I remember seeing the look of excitement on my Dungeon Master’s when I would ask him things like that.

Even though I only played half a dozen games of D&D 3.5, the memories of how much fun we all had always stuck with me. Last year I found myself in a local Juneau book store where I saw a copy of D&D Fourth Edition RPG Starter Set. For seventeen bucks I picked it up, if only for nostalgic reasons. Quickly I became captivated by it and before long I bought the three core rule books. Soon I had a group of friends coming together to play D&D once a week.

Juneau Alaska is a very beautiful place to live. But we do have six months out of the year where it is very dark most of the day. Starting up a D&D group is one of the best things I think anyone can do in Juneau. Once a week I have my friends over to play D&D and eat dinner. The best thing about D&D is the socializing. It gets everyone together, we all have a good time playing the game and visiting with each other. It makes the 6 dark (and what can be depressing) months tolerable.

I’m excited to be joining Stargazer’s World and looking forward to posting my thoughts, ideas, and reviews of this great game.

29-year-old working as a facility manager and living on the final frontier in Juneau, Alaska. Writing, reading, computers, drumming and playing some Dungeon & Dragons top my interest.


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Welcome to the team, Youseph! I am looking forward to your next post!

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Hello Youseph! Pleased to meet you… I’ll be contributing around here as well. Looking forwards to reading more from you.

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Thanks Stargazer and Sunglar for the warm welcome! Now if I can just live up to everyones expectations.
.-= Youseph´s last blog ..Patrick Stewart on Twitter, iPhone, and the Internet =-.

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Hey Youseph,

I absolutly agree, that the best thing about gaming in general is the socializing. I think it's great to have friends over, have a nice dinner together and play a nice game – doesn't matter if it's a session of D&D or a boardgame.

I am looking forward to read more about your thoughts on gaming. 🙂

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Sven, I agree with what you picked up from Youseph’s post. I think the social aspect is one of the main attractions as well. The game is good but sharing with friends, even if we decide to do something else and not play is even better. I think games are the glue that has kept me close to many of my friend despite work and changes in our lives.