OGT Sponsorships

OGT Vol. 2 cover Jonathan Jacobs and his team of editors is currently hard working on the second volume of the Open Game Table. When Vol. 1 came out each and every contributor was provided with a free copy of the book. Last year Jonathan sent out over 70 copies to contributors and reviewers and I think it took him quite some time to get even again.

This time he’s not able to raise all the money needed on his own, so he has started a fundraising project to pay for the money needed to print and ship the contributors’ copies. If you want to help Jonathan with this you can become a sponsor and support the OGT Vol. 2 by donating.

Sponsorships are ranked in levels from Community Sponsor to Legendary Sponsors and starting with Heroic Sponsorship, you can have your blog or company’s logo included on the back cover of the book. For more details on the sponsorship levels check out this chart:

OGT Vol. 2 sponsorship chart 
For more details on the Open Game Table and the sponsorship, check out Jonathan’s blog “The Core Mechanic”. In my opinion this is a project worthy of your attention (and your donations)!


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Starblazer Fan

Donated! I wish I could afford more than the bottom tier, but I can't.
.-= Starblazer Fan´s last blog ..worldwithoutsyn: RT @StargazersWorld Open Game Table Sponsorships – Now Available As Statblocks! <a href="http://bit.ly/9lm4rR” target=”_blank”>http://bit.ly/9lm4rR =-.

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    That’s great! Every dollar helps!

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Good luck to them.
You going to get your logo on it then, Stargazer?

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