Gen Con: Last Day

Today I did an interview with Alex and Patrick from Crafty Games. It was really fun talking to the guys and they revealed some of their future plans. When everything goes as planned, I’ll release the video in the coming days. Another video to be released as soon as I am home is a recording of the DMs Jam seminar. So stay tuned.

After doing the seminar I used the opportunity to talk to a few more people, check out booths I missed on the first three days, and took a few more photos. In the early afternoon we took Jeff to the airport and then returned to Zach’s house to relax. My flight back to Germany is tomorrow, so I will probably return to my usual blogging schedule on Tuesday.

I am very happy I came to Gen Con this year and I thank Zach and his wife for their hospitality!


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it was great meeting you at Gen Con, and I enjoyed our talk on Thursday. Glad you had a great experience at GenCon and hope to see you next year.

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Ralf Schemmann

Hi Michael,

nice to meet you at GenCon, even if it is a bit strange to meet an almost-neighbor from Germany for the fist time overseas. 🙂

Hope you had a good trip back!

Ralf from ProFantasy

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    Likewise! I had a good trip back and on Thursday my baggage arrived as well. By the way, if you're back in Germany we should try to meet sometime. It would be great to have a chat over a cup of coffee or two. 🙂