Official RPG Bloggers Network Community Forums launched!

RPG Bloggers Network Community ForumsToday fellow blogger Questing GM and I have discussed about an RPG Bloggers forum over Twitter. And since I usually have the patience of an 8-year old on the day before christmas I downloaded the latest version of Simple Machines Forum and installed it on my webspace. Within minutes I had an “Unofficial RPG Bloggers Network Community Forum” up an running.

In the meantime we had some heated discussion on the Google Groups if we really need a message board in addition to the Google Group. And then ChattyDM came up with a great proposal that was widely accepted: We keep the Google Groups for all “network business” and we rebranded and revigorated his forums (which already has a sizeable community and that’s where the RPGBN was born).

So, we now have an official RPG Bloggers Network Community Forum! Administrators are Philippe-Antoine Menard, Graham Poole and me. If you have any questions regarding the forums, feel free to ask one of us.


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Questing GM

Glad to see that it turned out well in the end.

<abbr><abbr>Questing GMs last blog post..The Multiverse is REAL!</abbr></abbr>

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The Chatty DM

Please note that Dave is not an admin of the Forum, Graham Poole is. Dave will focus on membership and the mailing list while as Community Manager I'll be around the forums more.


<abbr><abbr>The Chatty DMs last blog post..Comment on Open Game Table RPG Blog Anthology by Nicholas</abbr></abbr>

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    Oops, I am very sorry, I don't know how this mix up happened. The post is now correct.