The Magical Gnome

Today fellow blogger VulcanStev has setup “The Magical Gnome“, a Play-by-Post forum, where you can host and join PbP games. The site was created using the the NING social network service, so the site does not only allow you to play PbP games, you have also all the features of a fully-fledged social network. If you are interested sign up here!

Magical GnomeI have to admit I haven’t played in any PbP game before, but I am looking forward to trying it out. So, if you are interested, you really should check this site out!


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Ok, I signed up. What are we playing?

<abbr><abbr>Joshuas last blog post..Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Pile of Crap</abbr></abbr>

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That's the spirit. VulcanStev is planning a game based on RISUS. We'll have to wait until he sets something up, since I am new to PbP games.

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Vulcan Stev

Hey, you don't need to wait for me. If you've got a game you want to run then by all means set one up as well.

I will say that the game I'll be running is either set in the Firefly universe or using a scenario I set up for Car Wars.

<abbr><abbr>Vulcan Stevs last blog post..The Magical Gnome, a new Play by Post RPG Forum</abbr></abbr>