On WotC’s fan site kit policy

Yesterday our side of the Twitterverse was in uproar about Wizard’s silly new fan site kit policy.

I usually don’t cover 4th Edition stuff and I’ve decided to stop posting about D&D 4th Edition quite some time ago, but it still angers me, when a company messes with their fans (something that WotC has done several times in the past).

This morning I read an excellent post on “The Seven-Sided Die” about the new “policy”.  If you are even faintly interested about D&D 4th Edition and other Wizards of the Coast products, you should read that post!


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Yes, that was very good read.

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If you're a blogger, do not use that fan kit. It doesn't give much for what it takes.

And yes, that article was very good. Linked to it this morning on my site, as well.
.-= Zachary´s last blog ..Friday Discussion: Pre-Gen Con Edition! =-.

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    I won't. I pretty much lost interest in D&D 4th Edition and why should I blog about it then? But I find it amazing how hard it is for WotC to release a real fan site policy. If you ask me, Pinnacle Entertainment is doing a much better job with their Fan license.

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Pinnacle and Paizo are both doing a better job than WotC.
.-= Zachary´s last blog ..On WotC's Fan Site Kit Policy =-.