Dungeonslayers: New adventure and upcoming setting

Recently Christian Kennig released another one-page dungeon for his Dungeonslayers game: “The Queen of Blackriver” is the third adventure in the “Dungeon-2-Go” series and was written by Bob Bretz.
Please note, that the Monster Mash supplement is needed to run this adventure. Both the adventure and the Monster Mash PDF can be downloaded for free from the official DS website (or use the links provided in this post).

Last week, Christian also announced “Valngress – City of Ruins”, an upcoming campaign setting for the Dungeonslayers written by Marcus Bone, the author of the “Into the Breach” supplement:

newsvalngresssoon Announced last summer, the fair copy of "Valngress – City of Ruins" has arrived!

Once again Marcus Bone, author of the DS supplement "Into the Breach", has outdone himself. His City of Ruins promises to be an ideal backdrop for dungeon crawling campaigns, interesting not just for Game Masters of the old-fashioned roleplaying game.

We are presently working out the last kinks so it can go online soon and be raided by your parties.
Get prepared!
Until then – as always – have fun!

If you still haven’t played Dungeonslayers, you really should give it a try. It’s a rules-light fantasy game with a lot of charm that can be easily be used for a beer-and-pretzels game or a more serious campaign!

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You know I really need to pay more attention to Dungeonslayers. I played in a brief PbP game and it was a nice little system. Thanks for writing this to remind me!