Warrior, Rogue & Mage: Playtest
This morning, Will Hopkins from Creative Anomalies has posted his playtest report of my WR&M game. Since I haven’t had the time to playtest the game myself, I am always overjoyed when other people share their experiences with me. Let me quote from Will’s post:
All in all, the system worked well. Defenses and health were well-balanced, and the skill/talent setup gave the characters enough options to have fun but not so many that we got bogged down. The Mage attribute felt a bit underpowered, though it might be because our mage was a little more steampunk than traditional fantasy and so relied on her magic less. More options for mages (or those using the attribute a lot) might be nice. We only used zombies for monsters, but the single Monster attribute was surprising in its power. I’d recommend that all considering using WR&M actually roll some dice to see what tricks your monsters will have before stepping into a game cold.
I am very glad that combat worked well for them since I had fears it might be terribly unbalanced. He also mentioned some house rules he made up, that I will add to a revised edition of WR&M if he doesn’t mind.
By the way, if there’s enough interest in WR&M, I will set up a dedicated site for it (perhaps even a wiki) where people may read about the game and share their thoughts. What do you guys think? And while you’re at it, why don’t you check out, Will’s second post about WR&M?
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