Ask The Readers: What do you want to see in a revised edition of WR&M?

I am currently collecting ideas for a revised edition of my rules-light fantasy game Warrior, Rogue & Mage. Aside from a better presentation I want to add things I missed last time, add some optional rules and expand on the included setting.

But most important than that, I want YOU to be happy with that revised edition. I want it to be a big THANK YOU to all the people who love that game. So what do you want to see in the next edition of WR&M? And what should stay unchanged?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below! Every comment is highly appreciated!


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I think more than anything it would benefit from a layout change.

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Definitely. That's one of the more obvious things I am going to change. I will probably use a standard 2 column layout and increase the font size.

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Fort he record I LOVE WR&M. I think it works exactly because it’s short, concise and does well what it sets out to do. I know it’s not a game for beginners but I will state that you roll 1d6 when you explain the mechanic to make it explicit. I would also love to see more of the setting you created for it, maybe in a separate document, more enemies and monsters.

On the layout side some paragraphs are justified in such a way that there are blank spaces between words, at least when I See the PDF on my viewer. Don’t know if that’s a general problem, but it happens for me. But that’s just minor.

Thanks for the excellent game! Looking forward to the revision…

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Careful consideration of the Monster stat might be a good idea. It worked decently in my playtest, but it depends quite a bit the power dynamic that you want to establish in the system. More uses for the Mage attribute might also be helpful, but I don't think it's necessary. Mostly I agree with Sunglar that the layout could use some work, but the mechanics are mostly sound.

And don't forget the speed rule!

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Careful consideration of the Monster stat might be a good idea. It worked decently in my playtest, but it depends quite a bit the power dynamic that you want to establish in the system. More uses for the Mage attribute might also be helpful, but I don't think it's necessary. Mostly I agree with Sunglar that the layout could use some work, but the mechanics are mostly sound.

And don't forget the speed rule!

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I am not entirely sure if it's not better to replace the Monster stat with the Warrior, Rogue and Mage stats. I have to admit I am not really good at creating monster stats, so this was some kind of shortcut I used to come up with some monsters quickly. But using proper stats will give monsters and non-humanoid NPCs more details. What do you think?