Excited about Airship Pirates

Captain Robert Brown, leader and lead vocalist of Abney Park A while ago I already posted about Cubicle 7 and Abney Park’s upcoming post-apocalyptic steampunk pirate game. I have to admit I am easily excitable when it comes to roleplaying games, but c’mon, this is a post-apocalyptic game with a healthy dose of steampunk and it got pirates! And we all know that everything is better with pirates!

And it’s funny how the excitement about an upcoming game can also change your attitude towards certain styles of music. Because I wanted to learn more about the band Abney Park, I watched a couple of music videos on YouTube and was not really impressed at first. But in time their songs finally grew on me and I ended up buying their three most recent albums. 🙂

The music and lyrics really make you want to play or run a steampunk game. I wouldn’t recommend playing Abney Park’s music during a game session, because I think that players get to easily distracted because of the lyrics but it’s great to get in the mood.

As far as I know Cubicle 7 already sold a few copies at Gen Con, so the release should not be that far away. You can already preorder the game at the Cubicle 7 store or from the Abney Park market.

By the way, if you were at Gen Con at had the chance to check Airship Pirates out, please share your impressions in the comments below!


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I am not all that Familiar with steampunk yet, I always liked the visuals and idea but never really read anything or played and RPG. But a Steampunk RPG from the guys of a Steampunk PopRock Band? They Live it! I will have look at their albums, I like their sound. Not sure about the RPG, but heck, there is always room for one more right? 🙂

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Gregory Guldensupp

Got my hands on a copy of Airship Pirates at Dragon Con 2011. Love it! Great production value. Very attractive book. The history/fluff of the book is great; very compelling. I am unfamiliar with the Heresy Engine, so I can not say how it plays, yet, but I’m hoping to run my first game in a month.

There are a few plugs for Robert Brown’s upcoming novel Wrath of Fate and that is expected to give more background on the Ophelia (Abney Park’s time traveling airship) and how Abney Park caused the Apocalypse of 1906.

I give this product two thumbs up.

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Frank Jarome

I got my copy ordered direct from Cubicle 7 the other day… it’s a lovely book. Can’t really put my finger on how I feel about the system yet, but the setting is very cool. All in all I’m quite happy with my purchase, and contemplating making it the next game I run…