#RPGaDay2018 – Day 1: What do you love about RPGs?

Here we go again! By now you know the drill… I disappear from the blog for a couple of months and the come August I’m back for #RPGaDay2018

Thankfully my fellow posters keep you busy in my absence, but for the third (excuse me I checked and it turns out it’s  the) fourth year in a row I’m here to participate in this wonderful initiative started by David F. Chapman, #RPGaDay. Where we celebrate all the wonderful things about our hobby by talking, blogging, posting, tweeting or live streaming about it; however you communicate on the Internet, the point is to join the conversation.

Last year, for the first time, not only did I posted here in the blog, but also recorded videos in Spanish for the Desde la Fosa vlog with my fellow collaborators in that project. This year I am trying something even more ambitious. Recording in both languages for the topic of the day!

For Desde la Fosa I may have help with the Spanish language content from José García, but the ones in English I ‘m planning to do on my own. I’ve recorded a few videos under the title Sunglar’s Musings and shared them on my YouTube Channel. I remember Michael, aka Stargazer, telling me he liked my videos, so I’ve taken him up on the challenge and decided to record daily videos for #RPGaDay2018, and share them here in the blog.

If I manage to stick to my schedule you will see a blog post every day, with links to both my videos for the topic of the day, in English and Spanish. Here is hoping Michael is not the only one who want to see my ugly mug!

Le me know what you think! Leave a comment here, in my YouTube channel, or contact me in social media, I’d love to talk about the topics in the list this month for #RPGaDay2018 or anything you fancy. Also, if you prefer regular posts rather than video entries I’d like to know as well.

The question for today is: What do you love about RPGs?

Here is my video in English for Sunglar’s Musings:

Here is the video in Spanish for Desde la Fosa:

I think in both videos I erroneously say I’ve been participating in #RPGaDay for three years, when it’s been four. What a wonderful time! I always look forward to this, year after year.

If you want to participate visit David F. Chapman’s blog, This post has all the relevant details, and here are all the questions in English, French, German and Spanish. The Spanish translation was done by me, and any mistakes are my fault, not David’s. There is a Facebook Page as well as a webpage where all the posts and content should be collected.

Whether you post every day, or join the conversation when a topic you are interested in comes up, join us, help celebrate this wonderful community of gamers, because I really think the good will far outweigh the bad if we all work at it!

See you tomorrow!


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Peter R.

Ooh, dramatic music!

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    I’m glad you like it Peter!