I am interrupting my summer break to share my thoughts on a new Modiphius product today. I have to admit I haven’t really followed their line of Star Trek Adventures products for a while since my interests have been mostly focused elsewhere. Today I had an email from Modiphius in my inbox informing me that they sent me a review copy of Star Trek Adventures: Enterprise Player Characters. Enterprise is still among my favorite Star Trek series, so I had to check it out immediately.

“Star Trek Adventures: Enterprise Player Characters” or as it is called within the document “The Crew of Enterprise” is a 16-paged booklet containing the stats of the major characters from the series including stats for the NX-01 starship itself. Included are Captain Archer, T’Pol, Cmdr. Tucker, Lt. Reed, Lt. Sato, Ensign Mayweather, Doctor Phlox and last but not least Commander Shran.
The artwork included is actually pretty nice and on par with the other Star Trek Adventures products. Personally I like the style and prefer it over just using photos from the show. I’ve included an example to the right.
So is this PDF worth its $5 asking price? Definitely. Especially if you are a fan of Enterprise and want to either play your favorite characters or let them appear as NPCs. As always the PDF is available from DriveThruRPG or the Modiphius store.
I probably should mention at this point that there’s currently an awesome way to get your hands on a huge amount of Star Trek Adventures content. Over on Humble Bundle they are selling a Star Trek Adventures bundle containing the core rules, the Alpha and Beta Quadrant source books, a slew of adventures, and much, much more. The character booklets for the Next Generation and Original Series eras are also included.
With all that being said, I am still hoping for an Enterprise era source book or something from the Discovery era. Yes, I know the new series was not included in the original license deal and many people don’t enjoy it as much as I have, but I’m allowed to dream, aren’t I?
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