#RPGaDay2024 Day 29 – Knight

Day 29 of #RPGaDay2024. T-Minus three days! These are the final posts on the themes from the alternative prompt challenge list by Skala Wyzwania. For more information on RPG a Day, see David Chapman’s Autocratik blog post for 2024.

The RPG challenge theme for today is Knight. Rolling a 1d10 for the quest. The result is 2: Create and NPC.

Lady Cashara Nazar of the Order of the Sleeping Wyrm

Lady Cashara Nazar was born in the city of Ylliris on the coast of the Sapphire Sea. The daughter of an artisan and priestess, she lost her family when a summer storm guided a tribe of sea devils to the shores of Ylliris. The creatures massacred the city’s inhabitants, and the Order of the Sleeping Worm adopted her.

The great warriors of that ancient but dying order raised her. When Cashara was knighted, less than thirty knights were left on the order. In the distant past, the order was rumored to have been composed of dragon riders, but the passing of dragons had left them without their majestic companions.

Their priest told the tale that dragons had fallen into a deep slumber during the age of mortals but would return when needed. The agents of the Darkness hunted down the few rumored dragons left in the world.

Lady Cashara Nazar traveled to the Rixes River Valley to join the Alliance of the River Kings troops. She served under Captain and later General Arago. She led the Heroes of Reavefalls, who evaded the last protectors of Ravall by following the underground rivers that entered the caverns beneath the ancient city of gears and steam by the great falls that empty into the caverns.

These heroes destroyed the Fleshmaster Brain that controlled the other Fleshmasters. With their foul leader dead, the other Fleshmasters fell, allowing the troops of General Arago to death the automatons of Ravall.

Lady Nazar had a vision that a great sleeping wyrm would awaken from the depths of Ravall, and she remained behind. In these caverns, she met a tattooed old man who, like her, sought a vision of The Tracker. The Curse Bearer revealed that the man all the allied Kings and the other free people sought was here. She saw this as a poof of her vision and journeyed with the Curse Beare deeper and deeper into the depth beneath Ravall.

A new player this late in the game!? She’s traveling to the final scene with the Curse Bearer from Day 18. See you tomorrow!

It is never too late to join #RPGaDay2024. If you find a topic interesting, write about it, comment on it, or talk about it on your socials. The goal is to celebrate all the wonderful things tabletop role-playing games bring to our lives and the positive elements of the community. Don’t forget to tag your contribution with the hashtag and share it with us here, on social media, and in the #RPGaDay 2024 Facebook Group.