Dungeonslayers: Forgeworks

Forgeworks Finally the first official supplement for the Dungeonslayers game has been translated into English. Forgeworks by Christian Kennig is a 4-paged PDF containing new weapons, armor, and magic items for his free roleplaying game.

The Dungeonslayers core rules didn’t include that many items for your characters and we all know how important loot is! Aside from tables for generating random magic treasure, Forgeworks also has a small list of “named” armor like the Hide of the Healer which grants the wearer +1 to Healing spells or the Robe of Power which increases its wearer’s Mind by 1.

If you need some more loot for your DS campaign, Forgeworks surely comes in handy. The PDF can be downloaded from the official website and is – like all other Dungeonslayers books – free.


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Rob Lang

Brilliant! Love it. I think Dungeonslayers is rapidly becoming a standard of how to write a Lite RPG and then keep supporting it. Christian could have added the extra content into the main book but by doing this he’s left the core book as a pure slice of easy gaming and then added this to give some more meat to those that need it.

.-= Rob Lang´s last blog ..My die is bigger than your die in Adventure Squad by Andrew Domino =-.

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I agree. In the way DS is support each GM can now easily pick the rules he wants to use instead of having to deal with a 100+ pages book full of optional rules. Perhaps I should try a similar method with Gears.