My GenCon Schedule

Recently Zachary Houghton posted his GenCon schedule. I think this is a great idea, because so you a) know where you find him, if you want to meet him and b) other GenCon attendees can see what events other people are attending. This year I will attend GenCon for the first time and I picked a couple of seminars to attend to. But like Zach’s schedule, mine is pretty open as well.


  • Deathwatch: Initiation (11:00AM)
    I am very excited about Fantasy Flight’s new game, so I thought attending that seminar could be very interesting. I also hope the core rulebook will be available for purchase on GenCon as well. This is a must-have RPG in my opinion!
  • Crafty Games: Declassified (07:00PM)
    At this event, the guys from Crafty Games will talk about their current and upcoming products. I am very interested in what they’ll release in the future and I promised Patrick Kapera to come by and say “hello”. So there’s my chance! 😉


  • It’s Cool to be Old School – Discussing the OSR (10:00 AM)
    I have to admit I am not really an expert into old-school gaming. So this is my chance to discuss the OSR with people who are at the forefront of that movement. Although I am not entirely sure if this event will happen at all. Michael Shorten is listed as the event’s organizer and he left TARGA some while ago. If you read that, Michael, please us know.
  • As someone who considers himself as a skeptic, I just couldn’t let the opportunity pass to register for this event. Ok, it’s probably not as good as attending TAM, but it should be fun nevertheless.

  • The ENnies: The 10th Annual EN World RPG Awards (06:00PM)
    You can’t go to GenCon without attending the ENnie Award ceremony. Seriously, you can’t. Even though Stargazer’s World didn’t get nominated and they also ignored the One Page Dungeon Codex Deluxe (which I did the layout for), but it’s an event I just don’t want to miss! And perhaps I get a chance to get back at these ENnie judges! Muhahahahaha! 😀


  • 2010 GM’s Jam! (04:00PM)
    An open discussion with other gamemasters about the art of Gamemastering? And it’s even hosted by Zachary Houghton himself? Count me in!
  • Media Meet & Greet (08:ooPM)
    This event is probably the best chance to meet a lot of podcasters, bloggers and other people at GenCon. If you are unsure which event to attend, pick at least this one!

By the way, I found out that GenCon has some kind of friends system. It’s meant to allow you to purchase tickets and badges for your friends, but you can also use it to see what your friends are up to at GenCon. Just add your friends email in the “Friends” section on you GenCon account page. When they confirm the email sent by GenCon, both of you can look up which events your friends are attending to – at least in theory. I haven’t been able to test it out, yet. But if you want to add me as a friend, just use the email address listed below.

So, what are your plans for GenCon? What are the events you want to attend to? Is there anything I missed? As always I am interested in reading your thoughts!

Michael Wolf is a German games designer and enthusiast best known for his English language role-playing games blog, Stargazer's World, and for creating the free rules-light medieval fantasy adventure game Warrior, Rogue & Mage. He has also worked as an English translator on the German-language Dungeonslayers role-playing game and was part of its editorial team. In addition to his work on Warrior, Rogue & Mage and Dungeonslayers, he has created several self-published games and also performed layout services and published other independent role-playing games such as A Wanderer's Romance, Badass, and the Wyrm System derivative Resolute, Adventurer & Genius, all released through his imprint Stargazer Games. Professionally, he works as a video technician and information technologies specialist. Stargazer's World was started by Michael in August 2008.


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Rob Lang

For me? Maybe next year. Maybe.

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Mark from Dice Monke

Don't forget Warhammer Fantasy at 3pm on Friday!

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@Mark: How could I forget this? And if we need more time, I will gladly ignore the ENnies Award ceremony later on Friday!

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Michael said he isn't hosting the OSR seminar. So I have no idea what to expect on that one.

Can't wait, Michael! It's going to be the best Gen Con yet!

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I was thinking Friday night might be a good time for a game among us non-nominees. We'll call it the Reject Session. 🙂

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Reject Session? I like that! Muhahaha!

I really hope I can pick up the WFRP Adventurer's Kit on Thursday so I can play a bounty hunter in the Friday game.

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Yay! Finally – I thought we wouldn't get to read anything about your plans for GenCon. I trust we will get in-depth coverage of the event? 🙂

BTW, do you have any other plans while you are in the US?

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    @Sven: My plans are to provide you guys with blog posts, videos, etc. from GenCon. Perhaps I can even organize some interviews with people from
    the industry. So stay tuned!

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I am glad to see we have a few overlapping events. I was hoping that I would have a chance to meet you. I will see you at the ENnies awards and the GM's Jam

If you have time, come out to our (the Gnomes) talk about Eureka, the book the Gnomes have written. 10am on Saturday.

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    Phil, I'll come over and join you guys if it still fits my schedule!

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Hey, if you're flying in/thru Chicago, I work 10 min away from OHare – maybe you have a layover and we could meet for lunch?

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    I would really love to meet you, Chgowiz, but I think it's only two hours between the time the plane from Frankfurt arrives and when the plane to Indy takes off again. So, I am not sure if there's enough time for a lunch. But let me double check the flight plan. And if there's enough time, I'll let you know.

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Posting a demo schedule was an awesome idea… good stuff.

I happen to be a first time exhibitor going to GenCon in August to introduce my new strategy playing card game, Rowboat, to interested gamers hitting up the event.

Do you think you have some extra time to swing by my booth #2025 so we can play a hand or two? We are also in the middle of finalizing our (free) event schedule for gamers to RSVP for a session to learn with the creators 🙂

Look forward to hearing from you, game on…


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    Hi Cristina! I will have plenty of time checking out the booths, so I will surely be able to swing by your booth as well.