Slowing things down…

You’ve probably noticed that my “one post per day” goal has slipped several times. I don’t know if it’s because there are a lot of things in real life that occupy my free time or some kind of autumn slump. Perhaps it’s just a normal case of writer’s block. I don’t know…

I just wanted to let you know that I will let things slow down a little. There’s no point in forcing me to blog on a daily basis, so I will try to write better articles but perhaps post not as often as before.

That was a public service announcement brought to you by Stargazer’s World and the month October. 😉


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Good plan. I only post three or four times a week, usually three on average. There's really no point in forcing yourself to blog daily. It's better to take your time and put stuff out when you feel you can.

<abbr><abbr>Wyatts last blog post..Professor Salazar’s Guide: Converting To 4e</abbr></abbr>

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Questing GM

I've hit that slump too, so I occupy my post with a regular feature just to keep myself busy. You're not the only one.

Take it easy and I'll be eager to see you back in action! 😉

<abbr><abbr>Questing GMs last blog post..Word of Wizards – Digital Insider #13</abbr></abbr>

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Alex Schröder

Since people like will read blogs via a feed reader, there's no harm done. I think regular posting is only an issue if you need visitors to look at your actual pages because you need the page impressions, ads, etc.

As long as you're not in it for the money, I'd post as little or as much as you feel like. 🙂

<abbr><abbr>Alex Schröders last blog post..Comments on Naked</abbr></abbr>