Get Exalted 2nd Edition for free!

Obviously White Wolf recognizes the opportunity and celebrates their devotion to PDF products by giving away the Exalted 2nd Edition rulebook for free!

Exalted 2nd Edition coverIn light of recent announcements, some fans have expressed concern over the future of electronic (PDF) format book sales in the RPG industry. White Wolf Publishing today has announced that it currently has no plans to discontinue its existing PDF products.

“Quite the opposite,” says Eddy Webb, the Alternative Publishing Developer for White Wolf. “I believe this is a growing market with potential we haven’t yet had a chance to fully explore, both as publishers and as fans of role-playing games.” Eddy remarked that he has dozens of upcoming PDF-exclusive products on his schedule in addition to continuing to provide PDF versions of upcoming products, and that White Wolf is still actively looking into returning to the print-on-demand arena.

To celebrate White Wolf’s continuing devotion to PDF products and reward their growing, loyal fan base, the company is offering a free download of the Exalted Second Edition rulebook as well as a one-time 10% discount on the purchase of any White Wolf PDF titles through and Simply enter the coupon code wwlovesyou to receive the discount. Both offers expire by midnight (EST) on Sunday, April 12th.

Source: Just Jess

What are you waiting for? Point your browser to and pick up your copy of Exalted 2nd edition now!


comments user

As a long-time fan of Exalted I'm thrilled to see this. In fact if anyone were interested I would even run a game or two to get people acquainted. People could contact me over twitter.

<abbr><abbr>Helmsmans last blog post..An Intervention</abbr></abbr>

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Questing GM


Wizards is really getting a couple of slaps in the face.

<abbr><abbr>Questing GMs last blog post..Word of Wizards – Wizards of the Coast Sues Eight For Copyright Infringement and Halts PDF Sales.</abbr></abbr>

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Dr. Awkward

Grabbed. Good job making hay off WotC's bad PR.