I voted in the ENnies!

I voted in this year’s ENnie Awards! And so should you! You can cast your votes here.

I voted in 2009!

The polls close at midnight, August 1st, so you still have some time to decide for which of the games, supplements, websites, and other products you’ll vote.

Vote Truly Free!I also want to remind you to vote truly free in the Best Free Product category! Aside from that I won’t give you any recommendations. That is, if in doubt vote for Mad Brew Labs in the Best Website category. He’s one of my favorite RPG bloggers and the underdog in this year’s ENnies Awards, so it probably won’t hurt voting for him. 🙂

One last tip: The ENnies website never actually explains it, but you have to choose 1 for your favorite pick and 5 for your least favorite pick.


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Mad Brew

Thanks for the recommendation!
.-= Mad Brew´s last blog ..Ennies: The Underdog =-.

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You're welcome! And you know, you share my love for steampunk and you are the underdog, so I just had to give you my vote! 🙂