Three more blogs you should be reading

In January I recommended three blogs you should be reading.  Although that post didn’t get as many attention as I hoped, I still think it’s a good thing to point out interesting blogs to my readers on a semi-regular basis.

  • World of Corruption
    Viriatha Cordova from Bard of Valiant is back. She lost her passion for fantasy games and stopped posting on her old blog in December, but now she’s back with “World of Corruption”, where she will share her love for the Science Fiction genre and Cyberpunk in particular. Welcome back, Viri!
  • SoogaGanes
    There are many member-blogs of the RPG Bloggers Network that I never even looked at, and alas SoogaGames has been one of those overlooked blogs for a long time. I just recently added it to my blog roll after talking to SuperSooga on the #rpmn channel. I can highly recommend his posts about The Adventurer’s Tale, his rules-lite fantasy game.
  • Dicecreator’s Blog
    Some of you might already have read about Abraham Neddermann’s blog on Twitter or in the comments of the blog post I wrote about his work. He’s the guy who creates unconventional dice and sells them on his eBay shop to gamers and collectors all over the world. He recently started blogging about his projects and if you love fancy and unusual dice, you definitely should have a look at his blog.

These are my recommendations for today. For more excellent blogs to follow check out my blogroll page. If you know of any great blogs you think more people should be reading, please let us know about them in the comments below!


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Thanks, Stargazer!
.-= Viriatha´s last blog ..Random Daily Events =-.

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