Free Stuff Friday: Dungeons & Dragons

It’s Friday and it’s time to give you some more free stuff!

Keep on the ShadowfellThis weeks Free Stuff is: Dungeons & Dragons.
I know what your thinking. “Free Dungeons & Dragons? How can this be?” Well it’s true everyone. If you have ever wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons, or you just wanted to give the 4th edition a spin, now you can! Wizards of the Coast will let you test drive Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition for free! But it’s a little better then that.

Wizards of the Coast is giving you access to some “Quick Start Rules” as well as some pre made characters. If that was not enough for you they are also giving away two free adventures. “Keep on the Shadowfell” and “Khyber’s Harvest“. You can’t beat that!

So check out Wizards of the Coast free Dungeons & Dragons stuff. When you’re done send them an e-mail and thank them for all the free stuff you just got!


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I really appreciate that they have the Keep on the Shadowfell for free with the quickstart rules and pregen characters.

On the other hand I spent $30 on it, so that's kind of annoying.

I haven't checked out Khyber’s Harvest yet, but it's on my to read list.
.-= David´s last blog ..I got a little Lost in my D&D =-.

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Youseph, thanks for the link. A friend is running "Keep on the Shadowfell" today and I'll be playing 4e for the first time. We'll see how it goes…
.-= Jim´s last blog ..One-Roll Combat Table =-.

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Youseph, I think it’s good that you wrote that posts. People may not know about this. I don’t play it, and I think had I tried it and realized early on the frustration factor would have been lessened.

Mind you that it’s not for me don’t mean it will not be for other people, it’s a solid game and meets the expectations of many players. By all means those of you who have not tried it use this opportunity. Don’t believe the hype of one camp or another, try it out for yourselves.