Realms of Cthulhu Giveaway Contest

Cover_RoC_LRGUPDATE: The contest is now closed. The winner will announced next week!

I promised you another giveaway contest and here it is! I still have one PDF copy of Reality Blurs’ excellent “Realms of Cthulhu” to give away. Realms of Cthulhu is a game inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and uses the Savage World rules. Please note that you need a copy of the Savage Worlds Explorer’s Edition to play this game. For more details on RoC please check out the review I wrote a couple of weeks back.

So, what do you have to do to get the PDF copy of this fine book? This time it’s a bit more complicated. No simple comment will suffice. Send us a premise for a one-session Cthulhu scenario. You don’t have to write a full adventure, just write down enough information that someone could use this premise to flesh it out himself.

So, here are the rules for our “Realms of Cthulhu” contest:

  • Write a short premise for a one-session scenario.
  • Send your entry to info (at) stargazersworld (dot) com and use the subject “Realms of Cthulhu Contest”.
  • Since the prizes are coupon codes for RPGNow/DriveThruRPG, you need to register for an account there
  • The contest ends on noon of July 9th 2010 CEST (GMT +2)
  • My co-author Roberto and I will pick a winner
  • The winner will be announced in the week following July 9th.
  • The winning entry and a number of follow-ups (depends on how long the entries are and how many we get) will be posted on the blog. If you don’t want your entry be published here, let us know in your email.

Good luck and may the stars be right for you! If you have any questions regarding the contest please post in the comments below.


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Rev. Lazaro

Already have a copy, but good luck to the entries and you WON'T be disappointed! Probably one of the best Cthulhu games, as well as Savage Worlds settings.

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Zachary Houghton

I'll just say ditto here. Whomever wins this will not be disappointed.

Cool contest!

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Tyson J. Hayes | Apa

Haven't had a chance to pick that one up yet, I'll try to think up a nice one sheet.

Until then I've passed this along in the new Savage Worlds IRC chat room ( #savageworlds) hopefully we'll get some interesting ideas going!

    comments user

    A one-sheet would be cool, but not necessary. A premise of an adventure, a couple of paragraphs long is definitely sufficient.