Fantasy Craft Giveaway!

To celebrate yesterdays’ release of the PDF version of “Time of High Adventure” by Crafty Games, we give away one copy of the Fantasy Craft 2nd printing PDF today! As with all our PDF giveaways in the past, you need to have an account at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow in order to participate. But this should be a minor hurdle, if you ask me.

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So, what do you have to do to get your hands on a copy of Fantasy Craft? That’s extremely easy this time. Just leave a comment under this post. That’s all. I will randomly pick a winner tomorrow at noon GMT+2 (German time). It would be nice if you write about why you’re interested in Fantasy Craft in the first place.

P.S.: To avoid possible confusion, please note that the prize for the giveaway contest is Fantasy Craft, not Time of High Adventure!

Michael Wolf is a German games designer and enthusiast best known for his English language role-playing games blog, Stargazer's World, and for creating the free rules-light medieval fantasy adventure game Warrior, Rogue & Mage. He has also worked as an English translator on the German-language Dungeonslayers role-playing game and was part of its editorial team. In addition to his work on Warrior, Rogue & Mage and Dungeonslayers, he has created several self-published games and also performed layout services and published other independent role-playing games such as A Wanderer's Romance, Badass, and the Wyrm System derivative Resolute, Adventurer & Genius, all released through his imprint Stargazer Games. Professionally, he works as a video technician and information technologies specialist. Stargazer's World was started by Michael in August 2008.


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Jay Kint

Oo. Just saw the tweet about the giveaway. I love Fantasy Craft, and I would love to have a 2nd printing PDF.

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I Like PDF Books, Count me in.

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I must complete my 3.X forks collection. 🙂

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Infernal Teddy

I collect d20 Variants, and I havn't been able to look through this one yet. that, and Gamegeeks over on Youtube liked it…

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i've read a lot of good opinions about fantasy craft but it's not available in my country… count me in – you'r my last hope! 🙂

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Rev. Lazaro

Would love to get my hands on a copy of Fantasy Craft, if nothing else to see what the hype is about. Would love a good "fantasy toolkit" type of game.

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I like FC, and I like PDF for convenience, so count me in. 🙂

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Would love to learn more about Fantasy Craft!!

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Philippe M

I would love to see with my own eyes what they 've changed compared to D&D 3.5.

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I'm having an interesting time right now. Simultaneously reading and digesting DFRPG and going through FantasyCraft a second time. Pretty radically different philosophies and techniques involved.

FantasyCraft has some really fantastic things going for it. Races are handled fairly well, in that it is possible to play anything from goblin to dragon without mucking about with level adjustments. The classes manage to be evocative and focused without being restrictive. The whole Spycraft line has always excelled at handling both skills and feats, and this is no exception (for those unfamiliar, it actually has robust support for doing things that *aren't* combat-related!).

The magic system is certainly a major leap forward from the d20 system, but it's not to my personal taste. I also feel that, in the interest of maximum portability, they've sucked all the inherent flavor out of it. But, take a lesson from D&D 4e, and reskin it. I will say, though, that the Paths are fantastic (they take D&D's domains to a really radical end, and by doing so make them actually work).

One of the really fantastic elements is Renown. As you advance, you earn reputation. You can spend that reputation for various major benefits. That can include mentors, strongholds, or favors. But, most interestingly, it can include magic items. In essence, the system strongly supports my personal sweet spot for magic items. A character can have a small collection of minor, one-shot items like potions. But then they are likely to only have one or two real Magic Items, and those items are woven into the essence of the character.

Things I don't like about FantasyCraft? It is too complex and interconnected. One of the things I liked about Spycraft 2.0 was that, as huge and dense as it was, it was fairly easy to digest. You didn't have to know all the details about the whole to use any one part. That's not as true in FantasyCraft. I see the barrier to entry being a lot higher. I would never, ever want to introduce someone to RPGs with this system. (That said, the interconnections all make sense, and create a ruleset that very robustly supports itself. Once you get over the initial learning curve, the system works like a dream.)

I'd really like to get a 2nd printing of the PDF, as I still only have the 1st printing. The system is super hackable, and I want to use it for a couple different settings I'm working on.

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Love FantasyCraft, fantastic system. I'd love to have a copy of the 2nd printing PDF.

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Tommy Brownell

I'm interested because I lost out the last time you did a Fantasy Craft giveaway…=)

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Hey there! First time I post in your fantastic blog, so hi everyone.

I'm very interested in all things FC, so count me in!

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Jorge Leandro

Great! Count me in for he Fantasy Craft Giveaway!

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I'm in for any Fantasy Craft contest. Just wish I had time to play more.

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Very cool giveaway! I've always been curious about Fantasy Craft as a sort of do-it-yourself alternative to "vanilla" D&D, but I've never gotten around to picking it up. Here's hoping!

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I'm with Granger44 on wanting more time to play.

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I have been a fan of these guys' work since over a year before Spycraft ever released (when it was originally titled Series Archer). They know their game design and they do a fantastic job.

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I've bought the hardcover a few weeks ago and heard of the impending reprint only days later. An electronic copy of the book would allow me to have it handy at all times, which is always nice, along with being sure I've got a product as close to perfection as possible.

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Drink Me.

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What a cool giveaway.

PS WR&M is cool.

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I've been in the Crafty Games corner from the beginning. Quality game product being put out by quality people.

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Steven Mileham

Woo, Fantasy Craft, love this system!

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Bought Fantasy craft 1st edition a few months ago.

I am about to buy the physical version of the second printing for myself(GM) and I would love a pdf for my party; so they can be up to date on their e readers.

Take care,

keep rolling the good saves 😉

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Allon Mureinik


Count me in.

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My wife has never won anything in her life, so I'm putting a plug in for her under my account. We role play together…hold your jokes…and would love to try out Fantasy Craft. Count us in for the drawing.

Thanks again.

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Cool contest! I hope to start a game soon and I`d like nothing better than to have the second printing rules to use.


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Thanks for having this contest! I hope I win! 🙂

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Friend of mine is starting up a FC game after playing it at GenCon. Would love to have a copy.

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I've been looking at FantasyCraft for a while and just haven't gotten around to picking it up. I'm a fan of Spycraft, and the preview for FC looks even better.

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PLEASE NOTE: The contest is now closed. I will announce the lucky winner tomorrow.

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I always thought that Fantasycraft had one of the best covers I know.

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Oooo! FantasyCraft in PDF form! Definitely lot easier to carry than the dead tree version.