New theme and other changes

home_remodeling Today I decided it was the time for a few changes here at Stargazer’s World. The most obvious change is the new theme. Stargazer’s World now uses the Mystique theme by digitalnature. This theme has a much better readability than the one I used before and looks pretty cool. Alas I am not completely happy with the background, so I will probably change it in the next days.

I also got rid of the Disqus comment system. Recently the service was not that reliable and it often caused severe slowdowns on the site. So I replaced it with Intense Debate. Intense Debate definitely integrates better into the blog and has a few more features I find useful (like CommentLuv support).

I am still in the process of tweaking the theme and some of the plugins, so don’t get alarmed if something doesn’t work like you were used to it. If there are any major issues, please let me know. I’ll try to fix any errors ASAP.


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Greg Christopher

I like it!

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Am I still still hired or am I out with the old look? I can work for less!

(Just kidding, I love the new look!)

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I am glad you like the changes!

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Looks good to me 🙂
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Lovely! I mostly read the blog in Google Reader but it's great to see a refresh.
The only thing I might change is reducing the size of the right-hand column. Categories is useful but do you need that and the cloud? Also, if you can, stripping the title of the 'search' item and affiliations boxes. Both are obvious what they are, so don't really need an extra title. Also, not sure if you need a calendar.
Now it sounds like I'm having a moan. Not really, just trying to be a bit more helpful than normal. 🙂
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I agree, the sidebar is a bit on the long side. I'll try to implement a few of your ideas!

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Splendid! Much neater and at the same time you've not lost any content or functionality. Bravo! *applause*