“This Just In … From Gen Con” needs your help

Gen Con Indy is a quite expensive event and also a lot of work if you want to cover it on a blog or podcast. So it’s great that even if you don’t have the funds to go there yourself that there are dedicated people going to Gen Con and capturing the excitement and mania for you.

Daniel M. Perez and Rich Rogers produce a special podcast live at Gen Con Indy that brings you the best Gen Con has to offer twice a day called “This Just In … From Gen Con”. Producing such a show live at Gen Con is no easy task and as someone who covered Gen Con on his blog before I can tell you it’s not cheap either.

That’s why the guys ask for your support. To help with the financial side of things they started a fundraiser at IndieGoGo to help with their expenses. In the next 32 days they hope to at least reach $1,500. As backer you not only will be listed in the Season Credits, but you will also get special perks like a link to your website, exclusive TJI stickers, t-shirts, and many more. Just check out the IndieGoGo page for all the details.

If you can’t contribute any money, you still can help in other ways: spread the word about the podcast and the fundraiser on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, using carrier pigeons and smoke signals. Everything helps!


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Daniel M. Perez

Thanks so much, Michael. You're awesome.

    comments user

    You don’t have to thank me for that, Daniel. I know how much work and money are involved when you want to cover Gen Con for your blog and podcast from first hand experience. My own finances are pretty spread thin at the moment, I can’t make it to Gen Con myself this year, so the least thing I can do is support you guys, so that you can bring Gen Con to me. 🙂

      comments user
      Daniel M. Perez
