
This is obviously a huge thing right now, so I thought I’ll join the fun.

Three most recently played RPGs:

  • Numenera
  • D&D 5th Edition
  • Savage Worlds

Three favorite (current) RPGs:

  • Numenera
  • Traveller
  • Barbarians of Lemuria

Three games I’d like to play:

  • A homebrew campaign using the upcoming Cypher System
  • 6d6 Core
  • Mongoose Traveller

Ok, now let me explain some of the choices I’ve made. I just love Monte Cook’s Numenera and the Cypher System it uses. It just had to be included among my favorite games.

I am currently playing in an awesome Traveller game which uses Savage Worlds rules. Since I enjoy the Traveller universe much more than the Savage Worlds rules, I included Traveller and not SW in the favorite RPGs list. I actually would prefer if we’d use Mongoose Traveller instead.

Barbarians of Lemuria is another great game which I’ve played a couple of times only, but I already fell in love with it. The rules are extremely simple, but work great and support the sword & sorcery setting perfectly.

In 2015 Monte Cook Games will release a Cypher System rulebook which will allow us to run games set in basically any genre using Numenera’s mechanics. I already have a lot of ideas what I want to run using those rules. I am so excited!

I have to admit I haven’t followed the development of 6d6 Core that closely, but recently I picked up the rulebook and it looks pretty intriguing. It’s definitely a game I’d love to try out.

As I mentioned before, I love Traveller and I really like the Mongoose Traveller rules. They are pretty close to Classic Traveller, but are more streamlined. I actually planned to run a Traveller campaign myself, but my players convinced me to run D&D 5th Edition for them. But I wouldn’t hesitate if someone offered to run MgT for me!

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Then let me tell you, dear friend, what I already disclosed in a less specific way yesterday or the day before that, that I’m currently working on a more “historical” Traveller setting during the Long Night. I’m inclined to use either MgT or a Mash-Up of the 2300AD rules which isn’t that far from it…unless Bill Logan cranks out Frontier Space and it seems promising for kidnapping for Traveller. 😉
As soon as you grow tired of chasing shooting stars and “NewManity” twerps in the Marches the desolation of Madoc subsector of Diaspora might await you and your shipmates. 😀