RPG a Day 2015 Challenge – Day 29

And we are in the final stretch! The last Saturday post for #RPGaDay2015, I really hope everybody is having a great weekend. Let’s get down to business

Day 29 – Favorite RPG website/blog

What a silly question…Well Stargazer’s World of course! Not only because I post here, ok it has a little to do with it, but because I really enjoy the content Michael posts. From the first time I read the blog it felt very genuine and heartfelt. I consider him one of my best friends and I’m ever thankful for the space he provides me here.

But If I had to choose another blog/site one that is NOT the one I blog for, let me see…

I really enjoy EN World. I’ve been following it since the early 3rd edition previews and while I’ve fallen away from reading the forums as much as I used to, where I participated briefly, they cover games I really enjoy in their news section, so I regularly check them out.

As far as other blogs go I enjoy Gnome Stew’s posts, for a company site I really enjoy the tone and content of the Paizo Blog, and the forums at Green Ronin.

What’s your favorite RPG website/blog? Let us know in the comments, see you tomorrow.


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I’ve read a few RPG blogs… and tried to stick with a few. It never really works out. I just don’t get sucked in enough to keep reading them.

Except this one. I’ve been here for years, and I just about read every article (I don’t usually reply, contrary to the rate at which I’ve been replying during this series of articles). But the simple fact that I still read it regularly, and participate when I think I can add something … after at least 5 years, says a lot about what this blog offers, in order to keep me involved.

Really. It’s no small feat to keep me here for 5-6 years. And yet, the writers here have done exactly that. No other RPG blog/forum/etc. site has managed that feat.

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    Johnkzin, thank you for the kind words, I know I’m a small part of the blog (just look at the post count under the author’s column!) but I’m really grateful for your interaction. Michael, besides being a great friend, has offered me a place to reach the greater gaming community and I’m forever grateful!

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Same here guys – this is the only one I visit regularily. I wrote it loads of times – thank you for time and willingness to run this space.

Short and sweet – don’t want to praise you too much you may rest on your laurels and start posting only few sentences and a picture sheesh.. 😉

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    Voidman, thank! Don’t worry, Michael is a cruel master and he’ll keep me working now that I’m back!

    (Send help please, help…)

    jejejeje 😉