
Some days ago I stumbled upon RPGbomb, a social network for roleplaying game fans. Here’s what the creators of RPGBomb tell us about their service:

RPGBomb LogoRPGbomb.com is an online service that allows their members to set up unique personal profiles that can be linked together through networks of friends and associates. RPGBomb.com members can view each others’ profiles, communicate with old friends and meet new friends on the service, share photos, post blogs and comments, and describe their interests. To enrich our members’ experience, we request and display some personal information to other members and visitors, which allows our users to identify each other and expand their network of friends.

Although it still has some rough edges, the service looks usuable and to try it out, I created a profile there.  RPGbomb has all the features you expect from a social network, like a friends list, groups, video and photo sharing, et cetera. If you want to give it a try, feel free to add me to your friends list and leave a comment on my profile page!

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Samuel Van Der Wall

Very cool find. I can't believe I haven't heard of it before?! Definitely going to take a look at this more.

<abbr><abbr>Samuel Van Der Walls last blog post..Old School Gaming – Marvel Super Heroes RPG</abbr></abbr>