Ad Astra RPG on Scribd

Some months ago I created a new version of my Ad Astra Primer document. The new PDF is much more printer-friendly and includes some artwork created by my fellow RPG blogger Greywulf. Since I planned to release a complete book including rules for either a game licensed under the OGL or maybe even Savage Worlds, I just haven’t had the time to finish it yet.

But today I decided I should at least share the updated Ad Astra RPG with you. Enjoy!

Ad Astra RPG

The Ad Astra setting is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.


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Excellent! This is an essential download, folks. It's beautifully written and put together.

You've put my humble little piccies to good use, Michael 😀
.-= greywulf´s last blog ..Nazis versus Aliens =-.

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Thanks again for letting me use your artwork. You've created some pretty cool stuff!

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Thank you, i look forward to using this and eagerly await the next update

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    It might take some time until the next update. But the setting is already pretty much playable. Pick your favorite SF RPG and have fun. When I ran it, we used a modified version of the PDQ rules. I also thought about using Traveller. I am sure almost every rules system should work.

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I have an old star hero book borrowed from a friend, if i am feeling masochistic i will run under that! 🙂 many thanks
.-= misterecho´s last blog ..To buy or not to buy? =-.