Lazy Friday Video Post: Tom et ses chums!

This short comedy about French-Canadian D&D players is one of my favorite RPG-related comedy videos. The two old-school players who take their game much too serious are priceless!

The video is in French but English subtitles are provided. The video comes in two parts that I have embedded below! Enjoy!

Have a nice weekend! And remember: “Don’t take your game (and yourself) too seriously! It should still be fun!” 😉


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Haha, those Quebeckers. It's funnier if you can understand the lingo. Trust me.

Although I'm pretty sure I would have laughed at a straight session too. Cuz usually, it's a lot of mispronounced English, like Swword and Reelms.
.-= Siskoid´s last blog ..Kung Fu Fridays in November =-.

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That was highly amusing…

remind me a bit of The Gamers (the first one)…

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Haha, like back in the good old times…this IS a serious game!