Please show me your homemade GM screens! (Update)

attention On November 5th I asked my readers to send me photos of their homemade GM screens. Alas only a few people have replied so far.

If you have a cool homemade GM screen, please don’t be shy and send me some photos showing off your work! You can send your photos either to info (at) or just post links to the photos in the comments below!


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T'o Malaak

I don't understand the need to use a GM-screen (or why a GM should hide behind it), so I don't have one.

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I think mine was linked to over at the German blog, but I don't mind sharing it here:
.-= DeadGod´s last blog ..I like The Shotgun Diaries =-.

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Thanks, DeadGod!

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I usually just use a laptop these days..not really that impressive.
.-= Zzarchov´s last blog ..Large Skirmish Level Battles – Simple but effective rules =-.

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It used to be that I would not use a screen. I’d have one for reference, but I’d close it and eliminate a barrier between me and the players. And then I started playing with REALLY big groups (for me at least, anywhere between 8 and 14 people) and I began to use it again. This was way back during AD&D 2d edition. One of my players built a great custom made screen I used for years.

When I started playing D&D 3rd edition I went back to the no screen policy, since the group was smaller and while we used the table for combat I spent a lot of time away from the table as well. Them we began playing on a big table, the group ballooned to 8 to 9 players and I went back to the screen. I used the Dragon Magazine screen with sheet protectors affixed to the screen with paper clips and my campaign maps would be affixed on the outside.

Since 2007 I’ve migrated to using a laptop while I GM (that was traumatic and a WHOLE other topic), but the laptop has pretty much replaced the screen. I actually used a screen for a test drive of Savage Worlds last week, and I ended up closing it an laying it aside.

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my starwars d6 screen