My deepest condolences

Today Virginia Nibbelink, wife of fellow RPG blogger Steve Nibbelink and mother of three kids, lost her fight against cancer. My deepest condolences go to Steve and all of his family. I wish I could express with words how much her fate has touched me. I’ve followed Steve’s blog posts about her condition closely and although I never met Steve nor his wife, I almost cried reading his last post. Life is cruel sometimes.

Daniel M. Perez recently set up a VulcanStev Solidarity Fund that has already raised $160 at this very moment. While money can never bring back a loved wife and a caring mother it will at least help to support the Nibbelink family in these dire times.


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I've only been following Steve's blog and the like for about a week… my condolences, Steve.

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How sad I knew his blog this way…

My condolences too, Steve.
.-= Abraham´s last blog ..D3 crosbreeding:Revision =-.

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Adaen of Bridgewater

I'm sorry to hear of this. Condolences to Steve and other loved ones.


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Vulcan Stev

Micheal, Thank you to you and everyone who posted and contributed. Words cannot express my appreciation.
.-= Vulcan Stev´s last blog ..Demotivational Poster: Memorial Day =-.