Fantasy Craft giveaway: The lucky winner!

Thomas C This weekend Roberto and I talked about who should get the free PDF copy of Fantasy Craft. In the end we picked Thomas C. Why? We like the fact that he wants to review the game for his blog and that he plays with his kid!

I already sent him an email and when he accepts, he’ll get a second email with the coupon code he can use to get his free copy from RPGNow/DriveThruRPG.

Thomas, if you are reading this and you haven’t got an email from me yet, please let me know via the comments below. I’ll then make sure I resend the email!

I also want to thank everyone who entered the giveaway contest and rest assured there will be a few more chances to get some free stuff from us in the future. So stay tuned!


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Thomas C congratulations…

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Thomas C

Hey, I won! That like never happens.

I didn't get the email – so whenever you get the chance. Looking forward to the read – several of the "retro clones" have hit my radar and I've enjoyed reading them.

Thanks again!

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Hi Thomas! I will resend the email at once!