The stars are right… For a winner! The results of the Realms of Cthulhu Giveaway Contest

Following the post for the Realms of Cthulhu giveaway, many of our loyal readers sent in their submissions and once the contest closed we sat down to give each one good read.

After much consideration and difficult deliberation, Michael and I have agreed on a winner. All entries were excellent, making the deliberation process an arduous one. We thank each and everyone who participated. It was really a close race, but we decided the winner is (drum roll please)….

  • Philip Tucker

He is the winner of a digital copy of the Realms of Cthulhu book, congratulations! Philip has an excellent blog, DMing Basics. Be sure to swing by and congratulate him!

We also have two honorable mentions in the contest:

  • David Henley
  • Karlo J. Yeager

While we don’t have a book to give them, and we really wish we had one for everybody who sent in their entry, both David and Karlo have their entries included in the PDF we’ve put together. It contains the wining entry and the two honorable mentions for your reading enjoyment.

Again, congratulations to the winner and honorable mentions and thank you to everyone for participating. We’ll have more contest and giveaways in the future so be on the lookout for them!


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Dan Swensen

Augh! How did I miss this? Sob. Oh well, congrats Philip. 🙂

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Hey guys,

Wow. Thanks for the huge honor is selecting my submission for the win, and thanks again for the rewarding me with such an awesome prize. I've just finished downloading Realms of Cthulhu, and a simple skim has already shown me that I'm going to have to sit with this puppy at some length and slowly devour it.

Many thanks!
