Best of Stargazer’s World

survey The 1000th post at Stargazer’s World is approaching fast. A couple of months back I had the idea to release something special when this blog hits a thousand posts. The idea is to compile 20 or 30 of the best articles and release them as a PDF, much like a Stargazer’s World-only Open Game Table.

But in order to do this I need the help of my readers. Please select your favorite Stargazer’s World blog posts and fill out this little survey. Your responses will be collected over the coming weeks and analyzed as soon as the 1000th blog post has been published.

Thanks in advance!


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One thing you could do Michael is check out and submit your feed for analysis. ONce they are done, you can find all the posts with the highest "engagement" – based on some super secret algorithm they use that integrates comments, traffic, FB and Twitter shares, Google Page rank for key terms for the post, etc. No need to install anything on your blog either. I used to use it find the "most popular" posts for NMP – they have a widget you can install – but I hated the way the widget looked, so I removed it. Even still though, the services is very good at finding a short list of "good" posts.
My recent post Exit Through the Black Door

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Thanks for the advice but I actually prefer direct reader feedback.

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I thought this would be easy, but it's taking me longer than I expected… This sunglar poster here is really great! (WINK!)

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Vote cast.

Heck! it took me a long time to traverse all them posts 😉 but on the upside I found a few ones I haven’t actually read on the day.

To choose only 5, even concentrating on the longer, “feature” like articles was a tough one.

In the end I picked 2 of yours and 3 by Roberto 😉 If it was 6 choices it would have been 3-3 ;).

To be fair I could probably easily pick more including the whole team, but hey a limit is a limit.

Many thanks and keep it up guys!

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    Thanks a lot!