Victorian & Steampunk Name Generator

I am terrible when it comes to coming up names for my characters. So whenever possible I make use of random name generators. As I mentioned several times before I am currently waiting for my copy of Airship Pirates to arrive. Alas I don’t know above the setting yet to make plans for a campaign, I already started looking for a tool to help me to create names for NPCs. Luckily I stumbled upon Spencer Rhodes’ Victorian & Steampunk Name Generator.

The web-based generator allows you to generate up to 15 randomly generated male or female names suited for a game set into the Victorian Age (or a Steampunk equivalent). You can choose between the various social classes. I am sure this random name generator will be invaluable for me in the future!


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Simon Forster

That’s useful. I keep wanting to run/play a steampunk game, and I am intrigued in the Airship Pirates one.

How’s the One Ring RPG looking?

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Oh, the One Ring is looking great. I will probably write a proper review as soon as time permits.