What kind of player are you?
I just read about a quiz that reveals what kind of player you are and…
I voted in the ENnies!
I voted in this year's ENnie Awards! And so should you! You can cast your…
Review: Lovecraftian Tales from the Table
A couple of days back, Paul MacLean from Yog-Sothoth.com wrote me an email and asked…
Yesterday morning one of my readers (thanks, Jonas!) told me about a pretty new dice-rolling…
My new favorite podcast
A few days back I learned about RPG Circus. RPG Circus is a pretty new…
Preview: Kobold Quarterly 10
Warning! This preview has been written by someone who has never read any issue of…
Interview with Wolfgang Baur
Some days ago I managed to arrange an interview with Wolfgang Baur, Kobold-in-Chief of Kobold…
Stargazer’s World on Canon Puncture
I checked the blog stats this morning an noticed that the  site http://www.canonpuncture.com/ links to…
First Look: Swords & Wizardry Quick Start
Today fellow RPG blogger Michael Shorten (better known as Chgowiz) released "Swords & Wizardry Quick…
The ENnies and Quick-Start Rules
Yesterday's post and similar posts on other blogs started quite a discussion in the RPG…
My thoughts on the 2009 ENnie Award Nominations
The 2009 ENnie Award Nominations are live and of course everyone checks out the lists,…
First Look: Traveller Core Rulebook
Please note: This is a first look, not a proper review. I haven't read the…
OGT available at Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de
This morning I noticed that the "Open Game Table" is finally available at Amazon.de and…
Cloudship Atlantis
Cloudship Atlantis is a free steampunk RPG written by fellow RPG blogger Rob Lang as his…
Warning! This post may cause 1D6 SAN loss!
I've seen quite a lot of roleplaying games in my time and I've even encountered…
One-Page Dungeon Contest winners announced
Today Chgowiz and ChattyDM announced the winners of the "One Page Dungeon Contest". 6 judges…